Since 2011, BIOAXXESS UK distributes PEVIVA (now VLVbio) apoptosis biomarker assays in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
We were involved in the worldwide launch and product development of PEVIVA’s M30 Apoptosense ELISA — then distributed by ALEXIS Biochemicals, Switzerland back in 2000.
We initiated and coached M30 Apoptosense ELISA novel diagnostic applications beyond the anti-cancer drug research and development. Well-documented applications now include chronic liver diseases (NASH, HBV and HCV) and today’s use as a “Liver MOT” in diagnostic routine laboratories in Germany dating back to 2009.
With the total cell death biomarker assay M65 ELISA this has been expanded to acute-on-chronic-liver failure (AOCLF) and Acute Liver Failure (ALF)/ Drug-induced Liver Injury (DILI) as well as Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD), organ transplantation and sepsis.
PEVIVA’s first-in-class CE-certified IVD cell death biomarker assays M30-Apoptosense® ELISA, M65® ELISA classic, and M65 EpiDeath® ELISA have been independently validated by pharmaceutical companies and clinical research centres for diagnostic use in oncology and hepatology.
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You can contact BIOAXXESS’ UK customer service and technical team for any Peviva product questions that you may have.
You can view the diagnostic decision tree here.
You can read Peviva-specific product papers here.
The biomarker assays can be used for pre-clinical and clinical applications. The unique products are CE-marked and used globally by hospitals, academia, and industry.